Blog Section 1

Light Hearted Family Portraits at the Edmonds Ferry Dock

As the years have gone by, family portrait photography has gradually become more of my business. Many of the couples I photograph become parents and invite me back into their lives to photograph their newest additions. Being a parent myself now, and getting to know these new babies, has rekindled a love of family photography and now some of these sessions become events I look forward to all year! Years ago, I felt like family photos were formulaic and a little lackluster in creativity. Now look forward to making these sessions fun and memorable for the families I work with. I suggest locations that are meaningful and beautiful, I get silly with the kids to encourage their real smiles to come out, and I ensure it remains a stress free time.

These family photos were taken at the Edmonds Ferry Terminal and Brackett’s Landing Park in Edmonds, my absolute favorite location. It doesn’t get much more Pacific Northwest than this - ferry boats that come and go all day, water, beach, the Olympic peninsula in the background, and classic PNW cloudy weather. This family with triplet boys has been working with me since they were two years old! And now they’re pre-teens with energy in spades. As the years have gone on, these kids have developed unique personalities and interests and I look forward to visiting with them every fall.

We accomplished these images in a 25 minute mini session! This family has so much experience in front of my camera now that we can get a lot of variety packed in with a short time frame. Family portraits don’t have to be a drag or stressful. I can see why it might feel that way in the lead up but if you’re not having fun you can see it on your face in the photos. So, I make sure to keep things light, comfortable, unforced, and candid. Then the kids make the rest of the magic.

Come explore your favorite location with me for family photos and let’s have some FUN together!